Pentesting is the ultimate (friendly) test of your defenses.
Safeguarding an environment or system typically involves a lot of moving parts with layered technologies and processes working together to maximize coverage. These efforts are rarely simple or perfect and attackers may still be able to pinpoint exploitable aspects of your security posture.
While other security review methods, such as a Vulnerability Assessment, do a thorough job of enumerating and assessing known vulnerabilities, penetration testing offers insight into less obvious and more persistent threats. Heighten experts can complete this type of test on your environment to determine how penetrable your business really is, and identify where crucial, exploitable gaps lie.

Considering what's at stake there's no substitute for the real thing.
Pentesting is generally engaged because there is a lot at stake in safeguarding our systems and our people. There are other useful exercises and simulations available to measure the likely effectiveness of our security controls, but when it really counts, we need a real-life test against a real-life adversary who happens to be on our side.
Penetration testing offers just that, ranging from controlled attempts to exploit systems and testing our employees' defenses against social engineering and phishing attacks, to tests of our physical premises and site security. There's really no substitute when we need to know for certain how defensible our assets are.

How Heighten can help
Heighten's certified offensive security team has many years of experience both poking holes in cyber defenses as well as being called upon to analyze and recover from incidents. We leverage this expertise along with cutting-edge tool sets and tactics to systematically (and creatively) probe your in-scope environment to tease out its weaknesses and validate how they can be successfully compromised.
Our pentesting services operate within the scope and safety parameters that you define, but our capabilities do not end with an assessment of your technical environment. We also are available to run campaigns to test your human resources, training, and processes against formidable adversaries, as well as physical pentesting and on-site reconnaissance and access attempts.
Talk with an expert today
Elevate your cybersecurity by having a conversation with one of our experts. We are ready to help Heighten your view of what a true security partner looks like.